Geo. Washington Brigade


The Second World War in Europe started in September, 1939, but the war did not start for the United States until two years later. Some unknown number of American citizens went to Germany during that time and eventually ended up in the German Army and Waffen SS. I know of about a dozen Americans who sometime between 1939 and 1945 served for the Germans in WWII. There has long been a rumor that the Germans planned to group American POWs into a Waffen SS unit, the George Washington Brigade, and set them against the Russians.

Sine I try only to have a mild plausibility to make my wargame units, I determined that my Battle for Berlin had to include at least a squad of "American" troops who were serving in the war on Communism. To this end, I took some the very nice Imex glueable plastic WWII German figures and some bits from the rather large Valiant miniatures WWII US figures. Since German national units often used some of the equipment from their home nation.

This figure has an ammo box and bolt action German rifle. I added an American back pack and shovel after removing his German kit.

This 1/72nd scale plastic figure is pulling the fuse on a grenade. He too gets an American back pack and shovel.

These are not twinkle toe dancers, they are prone guys. I added a Thompson submachine gun. The Germans could have gotten them from the US, British, French, and Russians.

I gave this radioman a few American bits of gear on his belt. My intent is to eventually paint these guys, but I can't decide if they should be field gray or green!

I gave this guy a carbine and backpack. More tomorrow.

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